Hey, Shepard here. I know we have an eclectic bunch on this ship, and I could really use some help right now. I'm not affiliated with the Halcyon - just passing through.My ship is going to be coming into Batuu on the 29th and it's carrying some very precious cargo necessary for my capacitators. They need a little more Resistance to be fully operational, yeah?I'm hoping that you'll help me.I can trust you, right?

Transmission interrupted.

<Shepard> For the Order? Please tell me you aren't one of those First Order sympath---

Intercepting Transmission...

Connection established.Receiving Holocall from Lieutenant Dave Audette.Transmitting...

This is Lieutenant Dave Audette of the First Order. Your loyalty is both commendable and appreciated. However, we have work to do.I suspect rebel activity aboard the Halcyon - specifically, a twi'lek that goes by "Shepard". We've been intercepting some encrypted messages.The First Order needs YOU to help decrypt the message. No doubt it will bring valuable intelligence to help restore order to the galaxy.Will you assist us?

<Lt. Audette> I knew I could count on such an upstanding citizen. I've attached the encrypted message we intercepted below. Please make quick work of it and deliver me the results.

Receiving transmission...

<Lt. Audette> I knew I could count on such an upstanding citizen. I've attached the encrypted message we intercepted below. Please make quick work of it and deliver me the results.

<Lt. Audette> Well? What does it say?

"Galavant"? Really? What else did it say? Hmm. Whoever sent the transmission has some connection with Shepard. The good news is we can use this passcode to decode the next transmission that comes through.I'm certain there will be vital intelligence on resistance and rebel sympathizers. Wherever that woman goes, chaos follows. No one gives her enough attention because she's just one twi'lek, but I'm -certain- we will be able to find something of value.For the Order!

Receiving transmission...

<Lt. Audette> Scroll through the message and enter the passcode. Let's see what we have here. How many rebels will we be arresting today?

Decrypting transmission...

<Aidan> Connection established Kat.<Shepard> I can always count on you Aidan.<Aidan> Have you made a decision? I know it’s a difficult choice. So much is riding on it…<Shepard>I know – it could be aces and eights or the whole thing can blow up in our face. I know I need to decide.<Aidan>I’m certain you’ll make the right decision as I’m sure the sun will be out in Batuu when you get there.<Shepard>There are far too many suns on Batuu. If the first order wants to destroy something – can’t they destroy one of the suns? Wouldn’t that be a public service? Instead of destroying people's lives.<Aidan> Kat, you need to need to decide.<Shepard> What do you think, Aidan…Tip Yip or Bantha? Tip Yip would be a change, but Bantha is my favorite. I wonder if they’d do it over a flame and get those nice grill marks…<Aidan> I have an entire line behind me, love. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO EAT…<Shepard> Bantha.<Aidan> Ok—<Shepard> No no.. no Tip Yip.<Aidan> O—<Shepard> NO Bantha. Final decision--

<Lt. Audette> I'm sorry - what were they talking about?Are you telling me our only resistance lead can't decide where she wants to eat for DINNER? THAT'S the message we intercept?Never mind that - she has a first name? It's not "just Shepard".We haven't caught anything suspicious I suppose this time. But be on guard! The resistance can be anyone or anything.Good work decrypting...whatever it was that I just read that I wish I hadn't.

Incoming Transmission...

<Lt. Audette> It looks like the integrity of the transmission is questionable at best. You need to select the right code letter to complete the circuit. There must be a pattern...

<Lt. Audette> That seems to have done it. Let's see what we have here...

Incoming Transmission...

Signal jammed...

<Lt. Audette> Karabast! The signal has been jammed.Is...is that a raspberry?Citizen, we must find incriminating evidence on Shepard if it is the last thing we do. No one should ever dare giving a Lieutenant of the First Order the raspberry!Quickly. Decipher the jamming signal pattern and get us past that raspberry!

What number fits that last sector? There must be a pattern of some sort...

Signal Connection Reestablished...

<Lt Audette> Great. We're in. Let's see what we have here.

<Begin Transmission>We've been trying to reach you concerning your Tie Fighter's extended warranty.You should've received a notice in the mail about your spacecraft's extended warranty eligibility.Since we've not gotten a response, we're giving you a final courtesy call before we close out your file.Press 2 to be removed and placed on our do-not-call list. To speak to someone about possibly extending or reinstating your spacecraft's warranty, press 1 to speak with a warranty specialist.

Well, that certainly could have gone a lot worse. Thank you for your guidance. You are truly to be commended. It looks like we aren't picking up any more signals to intercept currently, but stay vigilant - Resistance spies could be anywhere!What do you get for assisting the First Order? Is my gratitude not enough?

/insert formal praise letter for citizen

For the Order!And keep your eye on Shepard.<End Transmission>

Your number has been removed from our systems. Thank you, and may the stars light your way!

<Distorted Twi'lek Voice> Thank you for speaking with me today about your Tie Fighter's extended warranty! For just a few regular payments of 100 credits, you can ensure that your Tie Fighter remains insured regardless of how many Rebels you encounter!<Lt. Audette> This seems a bit suspicious. Will it cover -any- rebel attack?<Distorted Twi'lek Voice> Any rebel attack on any planetary system. Please enter your account number followed by your pin to set up direct deposit.<Lt. Audette> What do you think, loyal first order citizen?

Thank you.Your information has been received.You will receive your extended warranty paperwork in two planetary rotations.If temporary charges are made to your account, please understand it is merely a hold and will not actually be charged.This is only to ensure that your account is indeed linked with you.Have a wonderful day.Ta'bu E Tay!

What's in it for you?Besides the fact of knowing you did one right thing? Helped people in need? That isn't enough for you?I guess doing the right thing -isn't- enough for everyone. Tell you what - I'll transfer 10,000 credits upon departure. It's the best I can do. I can't pay you until you help me though.Do we have a deal?

Not very trustworthy? At least you are honest about that. You aren't aligned with the First Order, are you? Those guys are bad for business. Too many regulations, and protocols, and restrictions. You aren't free to pursue anything. Maybe you'll reconsider for a few credits. I'll wire them to your account on departure, if you help me out.Will you reconsider?

That's what I like to hear!I have a ship called the Normandy. She's a beautiful ship - not as big as this one though. Anyway, I got a pickup and drop off in Batuu tomorrow the 29th.I'm having some imperial clearance codes sent from a contact of mine. It's imperative I get clearance codes so the Normandy can dock in Batuu without too many questions being asked.No clearance codes, no support and no hope. The capacitators on my augments really need more support in their Resistance department - if you catch my meaning.The message I received was sent through an encrypted network. I'll need your help deciphering its contents. While I'm strong, a quick draw, and worth my weight in coaxium - encryption really isn't my thing. If I can't physically go through a terminal, I'm going to need your help to decipher the contents.I'm counting on you-Shepard

<Shepard> That's all right - certain tasks aren't for everyone. Can you tell me a little bit more about your skills? I'm sure there is something I have for you to help.

<Shepard> Libations are ESSENTIAL to a functioning scoundrel. If you read the smuggler's guide for dummies it includes the tip "make sure your smuggler is well hydrated with tasty libations to ensure maximum performance".Chemists are essential crewmembers - both on my ship, and the Halcyon.I have the perfect job for you! And it involves mixing, but not just any mixing - we need medical supplies. My contact on Lothal sent me information on how to properly mix a powerful medipac solution. The problem is that the solution is coded in a riddle.I need you to decode the recipe, and your skillful hands to mix it. After that we can send the batches to Resistance members on the front lines.A lot of lives rides on getting t his recipe right - up for proving you are the best chemist in the galaxy?

How lucky I am to have found you!Alright! Here we go - let's get this recipe deciphered. Now I have all the ingredients here. I'm sure as a chemist you know all of these already - but in case you don't I'll give you a brief rundown of the ingredients.

Algarine torve weed was a kind of plant native to the Algaran system and could be used as a synthetic mood enhancer.

Olap leaves were a type of leaf found on the Forest Moon of Endor.

Pommwomm plants were a hot-world shrub native to the Sif'kric system's inner planet. If they were properly processed within thirty hours of picking, they could be made into at least eight different medicinal substances, and at least sixteen different natural flavorings.

Behot was a species of herb that grew on the planet Mandalore. The herb was citrus-flavored and grew rapidly, making it the favored choice of ingredients for the Mandalorian beverage shig, a tisane brewed from a number of herbs

Senoti was a species of tree native to the Outer Rim world New Canistel. The deep-rooted trees required an alkaline soil in which to grow, and produced a sap that was used for medicinal purposes.

Chemist's recipe for Medipack+

1. The senoti ingredient is not first.2. The pommwomm plant comes before the behot.3. The algarine torve weed is not before the senoti ingredient but it is before the behot.4. The Olap leaves are second to be mixed in.

Take your time - remember many lives rest on you getting this right. I have faith.What order will you mix the ingredients?

Wow...that's...That's stunning... incredible ...just...Did...did you just put garnish on edible medigel?You garnished the medipack......Of course you did.It looks absolutely stunning because YOU made it - but will it work? Let me try a sip.

The drink reinvigorates whoever drinks it - ailments healed and alleviated.<Shepard> This is incredible! You are truly a master chemist. I hope that wherever you go when you disembark from the Halcyon is in a cantina near me.While I disagree with the need for the garnish, it might brighten some soldiers' spirits consuming something so masterful.In fact, I'd love to bring a chemist like you aboard my ship, the Normandy. I'd be open to having you as a member of the crew. Our head chemist position is currently open, and I think you'd be a perfect fit for the job to keep our spirits up when things get difficult.Would you like to join my crew?

Excellent! I would be honored to have you.You should find me after hours (10:30 and later), or between 1-4pm on the 29th. Chances are I'll be around the sublight lounge at one point or another. I'm a bright red twi'lek so you can't miss me.We need a pass phrase so that I know you want to sign up without drawing attention from the first order.How about this - tell me that your personal favorite drink for the evening is Drabor’s Delight - that way I'll know you are either crazy, or want to join my crew. I'll give you something in return to denote you are one of us!Welcome aboard!Ta'bu E Tay!

<Shepard> One with the force? I've heard a few individuals talk about the force. I think in passing one of the Saja aboard this ship mentioned it. I didn't pay it much attention because unlike you the force isn't really my thing. Let me connect you with one of my contacts. I'm sure she has a job for you...

Incoming Transmission...

<Holloway> Good journey! My name is Holloway. I heard from Shepard that you are interested in the force.The force flows through all living things, connecting us all. I believe that all of us have a connection to the force, but sometimes our channels are blocked and we are prevented from feeling that connection.Through the force we can accomplish miraculous things - and I need one of those miracles right now.The First Order intercepted an import of kyber crystals meant for Savi's. These crystals are valuable because they allow the channeling of the force through them into a blade you might know as a lightsaber. We need to retrieve the kyber crystals, but there are so many shipments incoming we don't know which one. We can't let them remain with the First Order.If we can reach out with the force and find the shipment, we will have done our part, and can leave the rest to Shepard's crew for the smuggling.Will you help?

<Holloway> Thank you. These crystals should be in the hands of future Jedi, not the First Order. The first thing we need to do is to center ourselves. I'll walk you through a meditation.The Jedi methods have been practiced since ancient times as a technique of gaining wisdom and insight into the Force. There’re many diverse meditation methods, but most of them have been lost due to the effects of time.As soon as you have mastered sensing this Force adjacent to you, you will be able to use this Force to achieve actions and thus alter the objects and events around you.Just follow my instructions and all will be well. Let us center ourselves You can do this...We can do this...

When you are quiet and at peace, you will know.

Find as quiet a place as you can and clear your mind. Sit comfortably. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Make sure your spine is straight but relaxed. Tuck your chin down a little to elongate your neck. Feel the connection to the world beneath your feet - or perhaps where you sit.Close your eyes and focus your mind on your breathing. Breathe in for two counts. Pause for two counts. Breathe out for two counts. Pause for two counts. Continue likewise. Focus your mind on your breath moving around your body.After a short time of breathing meditation, you will begin to feel inner peace and relaxation. You will know when you get to this point because you will feel relaxed. Reach out with your feelings. Feel the space around you.When you are quiet and at peace you will feel the Force. Once you feel the Force, meditate on it.

<Holloway> Let's begin our meditation. Repeat after me, and maintain even, steady breathing throughout.

I am here, I am present, I am alive.

I am here, I am present, I am alive.

The Force flows through me.

The Force flows through me.

I am one, I am connected, I am life.

I am one, I am connected, I am life.

The Force is a part of me.

The Force is a part of me.

I am emotion, I am peace, I am whole.

I am emotion, I am peace, I am whole.

The Force is with me.

The Force is with me.

I am active, I am stillness, I am complete.

I am active, I am stillness, I am complete.

I am the Force.

I am the Force.

Excellent. Now, reach out.Somewhere in the stars above us is a shipment of kyber crystals.Kyber crystals resonate with us.Picture a glowing crystal in your mind - small. Pulsing with your heart beat - the heart beat of the universe.Tell me what you see...

Imagine the light to brighten the image in your mind.I know you can do it...

That's it, but what ship is it? There are three...We need to go further.Focus on the ship you think it might be in and see if it resonates.I will help you.We can do this...Together. As one!

Droids...spare parts...I'm not feeling any kyber crystals here. It feel cold like space - I'm not sure there is anything living on that ship.

I'm fairly certain there are way more biscuit rations on this ship then kyber crystals. I personally like the yellow ones if I had to choose - but we can talk about snacks later. It must be on one of the other ships.

That's it!I can feel it - the crystals are resonating with the force.We can get this intelligence to Shepard, and she can take it from here.I couldn't have done it without you. I feel truly privileged to have crossed your path in this galaxy.Together as one!

<Shepard> You not only know where the kyber crystals for Savi's are - but you know exactly what ship!This is a momentous day for the Resistance. You've done more than enough to help - my crew and I will take care of the risky business.You know I never felt this force you all speak of - but I have to believe in it with results like this.You might not be a smuggler, a soldier, an enigneer, or a pilot - but I'd still love to have you as a member of my crew - as an advisor.Would you be willing to join up for the cause?

Excellent! I could really use someone with force sensitivity like you.Come find me after festivities tonight (10:30 or so). I'm a bright red twi'lek and can normally be found in the sublight lounge or the atrium.Come up to me and tell me:"The weather tonight is Crystal clear"I'll take that as a signal you are the force sensitive that wants to join up - and I'll give you something to denote you are a member of the crew.

I should go.This is Commander Shepard, signing off.

"Lothcat? Seriously. Of course he would. What else did he say? Really? Oh well...nevermind that.Best get to that decoding ! I've attached the encrypted file below.
Once you're done, come find me and let me know the clearance codes.

Incoming Transmission...

You are looking for a 10 digit code starting with two letters.

Entering passcode "Lothcat"

Here are the first two letters in the clearance code. This part of the code identifies the rank or type of code it is.

8 + 2 - 3 = ☐

10 ÷ 2 = ☐

7 - 5 + 2 = ☐

3 X 3 = ☐

0.25 X 4 = ☐

67 + 23 = ☐

1 + 11 - 6 = ☐

Looks like my droid had some computing errors for the rest of the code. I'll leave the last 8 numerals to you! They should all be numbers if history is to be believed.
Type them in order at the bottom along with the first two digits and everything will be aces and eights for us.

Great work! Now transmit the codes to me. Quickly now, we can't afford to get caught.Make sure you enter the code correctly!

Hopefully you are better at numbers then I am...

Transmitting imperial clearance code...

Yes! This is it. It looks like a code for a ground transport pilot. Not really ideal in this circumstance but we'll have to make due. It should be enough to at least dock the Normandy in Batuu the 29th without too much heat (except for the many suns of course).You've done well thus far and you've proven to be reliable. This sort of skill and ingenuity doesn't come often.I'd be interested in having you as a member of my crew. There's just one last thing I need some help with - if you are up to the challenge...

I knew you were a sure bet!I have to be honest, I didn't expect you to help me when we first met.I guess I owe you a formal introduction at this point. We are in this together now, aren't we?I'm Commander Kat Shepard. I'm with the Resistance. I'm here to help light the spark, and I hope you are here to light the fire. I couldn't have gotten this far if it wasn't for you, and I'm going to ask you for one more thing aboard your voyage.Aidan sent me a cipher from the planet side. He said that it will be needed to give to the resistance to open the cargo we are transporting. Of course, like a gentleman - he encrypted it.I know, I'm not happy about it either. Why don't you take a crack at it?

Incoming Transmission...

We need to complete the circuit. What's the missing aurebesh symbol?

Preliminary verification complete. Initiating secondary verification protocol.

Incoming Transmission...

Great. More numbers. I wonder what the pattern is here. There has to be a way to solve it. What do you think the last digit is? Enter it when you are ready.

Secondary verification complete. Transmitting cipher.

Incoming Transmission...

Transferring...Cipher code: YAVIN

Incoming Holocall...

You got it! You got the code? Excellent. Now that sort of intelligence is too dangerous to communicate over a holocall. I'll need you to tell me in person after the nights festivities are over. Normally thats around 10:30 PM or later.I'll normally be in the sublight lounge. I'm a bright red twi'lek with impressive biceps - you can't miss me. Let me know the Cipher code in person.I would love to work with you again in the future. If you are interested in joining my crew, just speak the passphrase:"Just us Sharks?"That'll let me know you are interested, and I'll give you something as part of the gang to keep on your person.Thanks again - you've helped more people then you know. I couldn't have done this without you.I should go.

End Transmission

Just us sharks? Ah. It's part of the smugglers cant. I guess I can teach you a bit if you want to learn. Smuggler cant is the term for jargon spoken by smugglers to keep Imperials and law enforcement groups from recognizing the nature of our activities."Shark" is another term for "Smuggler". What else do you want to know?

Aces and Eights means according to plan; possessing 'good luck'. Like you would say. It's all been Aces and Eights this round.

Sure can. Here are a few that you can use regularly - assuming you have my luck.

Get a Twenty

To complete a job with no problems or complications

I got a twenty on the hammock

Flipping coins

Bored, nothing to do.

I was flipping coins in the rest home when I got word of beer and pie in paradise.


Prison or detention facility

I hear they took that shark to the Fair Lady's cellar.


Astromech Droid

Don't mind him, that masher's always had a gyro loose.

Hope that whets your appetite. If I didn't know any better I'd say you are more interested in becoming a smuggler than helping the Resistance. To each their own - but I have to say, smuggling and selling to the Resistance is a much better feeling than being in League with the First Order. You get to do some good and make some credits.

All you have to do is find me in person, tell me the passcode - and say "Just us Sharks?" Or any variation of a phrase with the word 'SHARK' in it. I'll catch on quickly.I'll give you something to commemorate your hard work, dedication, and inexhaustible drive to click buttons.Now I gotta go grab some Bantha - or maybe Tip-Yip. I can't really decide yet. Anyway - I'm going to end the transmission here.I should go.This is Commander Shepard, signing off.

I hope your aurebesh is up to par - if not, don't worry. I've attached a key to help you out. Oh, and if you see a backwards letter, it just means its capital case!-Shepard

Shepard,I'm sending the

I had to encrypt them and I know you hate puzzles - hopefully, you have some help.
The keyword for the is

I'll be sending you the codes shortly and you can use this to decrypt it once delivered.Stay safe out there Shepard.


"Shepard here - well, did you do it? Did you get the passcode from my contact?"


K. Shepard


A twi'lek born on a AA1-class battlecruiser, Shepard has been a spacer since birth calling the stars her first home before Yavin IV.Both a soldier and scoundrel at heart; the young spacer entered the Resistance from a young age and had since climbed the ranks. She likes to be where the action is, and it is unlikely for her to progress further in rank due to her need to lead from the frontlines.When not engaged with the First Order in combat, Shepard has made it her second job to scam them of both their credits and dignity. Whether convincing the First Order to partake in terrible business deals or funnel supplies through her channels to the Resistance, Shepard uses her charisma to make sure credits fall into the right hands (hers included), whether or not credits are due.While Shepard is talented in both combat and subterfuge, she is ironically utterly terrible at Sabaac, much to her chagrin and the pleasure of her crew. They tease her constantly about it finding the rare opportunity to get their digs in.

Women in S.T.E.M

One of Shepard's cover identities is one of the motivational speakers encouraging women in S.T.E.M.S.T.E.M. to anyone in the know stands, of course, for Smuggling Transactions Entrepreneurship and Money. While this is primarily a group of loosely associated smugglers, Shepard has been known to be actively supporting women in whatever their role.She believes that women should support one another and lift each other up - not only to reach the ventilation shaft, but also to attain more positions and representation in leadership.